The Legacy : Oscar's Story
We've been transparent about our journey and dream to become a heritage brand. For a long time, we put most of the focus on ensuring we honored the traditions, styles, and heavy hitters of the past. The heritage brands of today pull inspiration from the legacies of brands that have withstood the test of time.
As we grow, we learn that as important as it is to tribute those that came before you, it's just as important to plow the path for those that will come next. We've been lucky to host a handful of budding entrepreneurs, dreamers, and future leaders through high school work study and job shadowing programs. Investing in the future of the small business landscape sets our brand up for a fruitful environment to grow and form its own legacy. The rising tide raises all ships.
This past week, we spent a day with Oscar - a local high school senior, who will be shipping off to college this coming fall. He rode shotgun on a day of all things CMBD - getting a peak into the creative process, the daily administrative and logistical dance, and the necessary snack breaks that come with the grind. While it would be impossible to cram the whole experience of a small business owner in a single day, we tried our best to give a holistic view of the scope of our lives. It's never easy, but it's always the only way we'd choose.
As fulfilling as it is to hear back from our young friends that their day in the CMBD Lounge was foundational or inspirational, we would not be exaggerating when we say that we always walk away from these experiences learning more than we expected. Our man Oscar was kind enough to share an excerpt from the paper he wrote following up his day with CMBD. Man, if only we had this much insight when we were 17!
Charles became one of the very few individuals in my life who now knows my aspirations but most importantly the career goals I want to pursue in my life. As Charles said, “Being an entrepreneur is more than the money or the ability to be your boss, it’s about creating a legacy and being that one person in one’s family to finally do it. Establish something to be known for, if nobody does it in your family, we have to.”—wow that hit deep in my mind like no other. I come from a Hispanic family where all we know is hustle, factories, and family. I told Charles, I knew from early on I had a feeling that I’m that one individual who has something special and will make it big one day.
Money has never meant much to me growing up but to end generational poverty and being able to give financial stability to my parents, siblings, nieces & nephews, and possibly my kids one day would be so rewarding to me. That would be the point in my career where I can look back and think that all my hard work, dedication, endless nights hustling has finally paid off.
We believe in you, Oscar! You'll do big things!